Published: 12:11, May 29, 2024
Germany to keep military base in Niger open under temporary deal, Berlin says
By Reuters
Young boys gather on top of a car while displaying flags of Niger, Burkina Faso and Russia during a demonstration for the immediate departure of United States Army soldiers deployed in northern Niger in Niamey, on April 13, 2024. (PHOTO / AFP)

BERLIN — Germany will keep its military air transport hub in Niger's capital Niamey open for now, the defense ministry in Berlin said late on Tuesday, shortly after the European Union announced it would end its military mission in the country by June 30.

Berlin has some 90 troops based in Niamey at the moment.

Germany has used the base in Niamey since 2013 as a supply hub for its forces in neighboring Mali where they were serving as part of the United Nations peacekeeping mission MINUSMA. The last German troops left Mali at the end of 2023

Until a coup in 2023, Niger had been a partner of the West in Africa's Sahel region against militants who have killed thousands of people and displaced millions more.

READ MORE: Niger repeals law aimed at slowing migration to Europe

However, the military rulers have pushed former colonial power France to remove its forces and agreed on the withdrawal of American troops, while deepening ties with Russia.

"Germany and Niger have struck a temporary agreement allowing for the continued presence of German forces in Niger," the German defense ministry said in a statement, adding that this would enable Berlin to keep the base open beyond May 31 for now.

Germany has used the base in Niamey since 2013 as a supply hub for its forces in neighboring Mali where they were serving as part of the United Nations peacekeeping mission MINUSMA. The last German troops left Mali at the end of 2023.

It was not immediately clear what Berlin's plans are for the continued use of the base in Niamey.

The defense ministry said the temporary deal offered the opportunity to strike a new agreement allowing for the presence of German forces.

READ MORE: Niger revokes military accord with US, spokesperson says

For now, the military will operate the base with a significantly reduced number of soldiers, the statement said.

On Monday, the EU announced it would end a military mission comprising dozens of soldiers in Niger by June 30, citing the junta-run nation's "grave political situation."

Established in 2022, the mission in one of the world's poorest countries has some 50 to 100 European troops there to help with logistics and infrastructure.