Published: 14:31, April 20, 2024
2 more unintended substances found in Japan drugmaker's red yeast rice supplements
By Xinhua
A man walks past Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's headquarters building in Osaka on April 2, 2024. Japanese dietary supplements at the centre of an expanding health scare have now been linked to at least 157 hospitalisations, a health ministry official said on April 2. (PHOTO / AFP)

TOKYO - At least two additional unintended substances have been found in some of Japanese drugmaker Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's dietary supplements with red yeast rice, or beni-koji.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the National Institute of Health Sciences on Friday confirmed the presence of at least two compounds not normally found in the supplements in an analysis of ingredient samples, adding it is not known yet whether these compounds caused any harm.

The products containing the beni-koji ingredient have been linked to numerous reports of kidney problems among people who ingested them

ALSO READ: Japan red yeast rice products spark health fears across region

The products containing the beni-koji ingredient have been linked to numerous reports of kidney problems among people who ingested them.

The health ministry received samples of the beni-koji material produced over the past three years from Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, and the research institute has been analyzing the samples.

The Osaka-based pharmaceutical giant had earlier detected an unintended component called puberulic acid, derived from blue mold, in a batch of the supplements linked to health issues. Puberulic acid has antibiotic properties, but it is highly toxic and is not usually included in supplements.

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The health ministry is working to identify the newly found compounds and the cause of the health problems.

The dietary supplements have been linked to at least five deaths. As of Thursday, 240 hospitalizations have been reported, local media said.