Published: 17:43, April 19, 2024
Former vice-president of China Development Bank indicted for bribery
By Xinhua
File photo dated May 12, 2013, shows the tower of China Development Bank in Shanghai. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

BEIJING — Wang Yongsheng, former vice-president of China Development Bank, has been indicted on charges of accepting bribes, the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) said in a statement on Friday.

Following the completion of the National Commission of Supervision's investigations, the People's Procuratorate of the city of Jilin in northeast China's Jilin province filed Wang's case to the city's intermediate people's court, according to the SPP statement.

READ MORE: Former vice-president of CDB expelled from CPC

Prosecutors accused Wang of taking advantage of his various posts and abusing his power to help others in obtaining loans, purchasing bonds and seeking promotions, while illegally accepting a huge amount of bribes in return.

Prosecutors had informed the defendant of his legal rights and heard the opinions of the defense counsel, the SPP statement said.