Published: 12:33, April 13, 2024
Top legislators of China, DPRK launch 'Friendship Year'
By Xinhua
China's top legislator Zhao Leji (wearing a red tie) and his Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) counterpart Choe Ryong-hae (wearing a blue tie), pose for a group photo with artists of art troupes from both countries after watching their performance in Pyongyang, DPRK, April 12, 2024. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

PYONGYANG - Zhao Leji, chairman of China's National People's Congress Standing Committee, and Choe Ryong-hae, chairman of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), jointly attended the opening ceremony of the "China-DPRK Friendship Year" on Friday.

Zhao, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, and Choe, a member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), attended the event at the East Pyongyang Grand Theater.

China and the DPRK are socialist and friendly neighbors linked by mountains and rivers, and as close as lips and teeth, Zhao said.

Calling General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping and WPK General Secretary Kim Jong-un helmsmen steering the boat, drawing the blueprint and charting the course of the development of China-DPRK relations, Zhao said the top leaders set the fundamental guidance and inject inexhaustible impetus into bilateral ties.

The Chinese legislator also said that it has always been the steadfast strategic policy of the CPC and the Chinese government to safeguard, solidify and develop China-DPRK traditional friendly cooperation

China is ready to work with the DPRK to implement the important consensus reached by the top leaders of the two parties and the two countries, promote traditional friendship, deepen strategic mutual trust and enhance exchanges and cooperation, so as to jointly write a new chapter of the China-DPRK friendship, Zhao said.

The Chinese legislator also said that it has always been the steadfast strategic policy of the CPC and the Chinese government to safeguard, solidify and develop China-DPRK traditional friendly cooperation.

China and the DPRK officially established diplomatic relations 75 years ago, opening a new era in the history of the two parties and two countries, he said.

Looking back, the two sides shared weal and woe and fought together, forging a great militant friendship through blood, said Zhao, adding that the two sides have been trusting each other and standing together through thick and thin to cement and develop the socialist cause in the two countries.

China's top legislator Zhao Leji addresses the opening ceremony of the "China-DPRK Friendship Year" at the East Pyongyang Grand Theater in Pyongyang, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, April 12, 2024. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

The continuous progress of exchanges and cooperation between the two countries has vigorously promoted the cause of socialism, bringing tangible benefits to the two peoples and making major contributions to regional peace and stability, Zhao said.

Choe Ryong-hae said the DPRK is willing to join hands with China to strengthen and develop the DPRK-China friendly cooperation, thus embarking on a new journey of vigorous development of the friendship between the two countries

Under the new circumstances in the new era, China is pleased with the fruitful results achieved in the development of China-DPRK relations, Zhao said.

China and the DPRK are good neighbors, good friends and good comrades, he said, adding that both sides are united with sincerity and have been supporting each other in safeguarding the common interests of the two countries as well as international equity and justice.

Choe said that as the top leaders of both parties and both countries have put the DPRK-China relations of the new era on a new strategic height, the friendship bonds between the two countries have remained unshakable and become even firmer.

China's top legislator Zhao Leji (third left) visits the Kangdong General Greenhouse Farm in Pyongyang, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, April 12, 2024. (PHOTO / XINHUA)
China's top legislator Zhao Leji presents a floral basket at the China-DPRK Friendship Tower in Pyongyang, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, April 12, 2024. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

By taking the opportunity of the 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties and the "DPRK-China Friendship Year", the DPRK is willing to join hands with China to strengthen and develop the DPRK-China friendly cooperation, thus embarking on a new journey of vigorous development of the friendship between the two countries, he said.

After the event, Zhao and Choe watched together a performance by art troupes from the two countries.

On Friday morning, Zhao presented a floral basket to the China-DPRK Friendship Tower in tribute to the tremendous feats of the martyrs of the Chinese People's Volunteers. He also paid a visit to the Kangdong General Greenhouse Farm.