Published: 12:37, April 3, 2024 | Updated: 17:00, April 3, 2024
China rejects US accusation of 'non-market' trade policies
By Xinhua

This undated file photo shows the entrance to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce in Beijing, capital of China. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

BEIJING - China on Tuesday firmly rejected the United States' accusation of implementing "non-market" trade policies and practices, as well as setting barriers in areas such as agricultural products and data policies.

A spokesperson with China's Ministry of Commerce made the remarks when responding to a media inquiry about the United States' "2024 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers," which was released Friday.

China and other WTO members are greatly concerned about this matter, said the spokesperson, who urged the United States to cease its baseless accusations against other countries

China believes that whether a country's trade policies create barriers should be determined under the World Trade Organization rules, while the US report has failed to provide any evidence that China's relevant policies and practices have violated such rules, the spokesperson said.

As the largest developing member of the WTO, China has always firmly supported the multilateral trading system and continued to expand high-standard opening-up. On the other hand, the United States has disregarded the multilateral trade rules and set up numerous trade barriers to impede fair competition, the spokesperson said.

China and other WTO members are greatly concerned about this matter, said the spokesperson, who urged the United States to cease its baseless accusations against other countries, adhere to WTO rules, and join efforts to maintain a fair and just international trade order.