Published: 17:58, October 25, 2023 | Updated: 09:36, October 26, 2023
Mainland denounces Lai's 'Taiwan independence' remarks
By Xinhua

Zhu Fenglian, a spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, speaks during a press conference in Beijing, on Oct 25, 2023. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

BEIJING - A Chinese mainland spokesperson on Wednesday denounced separatist remarks of Lai Ching-te, deputy leader of China's Taiwan region.

Zhu Fenglian reiterated that the 1992 Consensus is a common political foundation for cross-Strait dialogue and the Taiwan question is entirely an internal matter of China

Lai has hidden his "Taiwan independence" agenda under the so-called pursuit of "peace," said Zhu Fenglian, a spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, at a press conference in response to Lai's recent remarks on cross-Strait affairs.

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"Taiwan independence" means war, and it has nothing to do with peace, Zhu said.

Zhu said that although Lai talked about cross-Strait dialogue and cooperation, he has never given up the strategy of seeking independence by military means and looking for external support for his separatist agenda.

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Zhu reiterated that the 1992 Consensus is a common political foundation for cross-Strait dialogue and the Taiwan question is entirely an internal matter of China.