Published: 12:15, January 6, 2021 | Updated: 06:04, June 5, 2023
Nepal top court begins hearing on dissolution of parliament
By Reuters

Protesters hold lanterns during a demonstration against the dissolution of the country's parliament in Kathmandu on Jan 6, 2021. (NIRANJAN SHRESTHA / AP)

KATHMANDU - Nepal’s top court began hearings on Wednesday on petitions challenging Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli’s sudden decision to dissolve parliament, as protesters against his move marched nearby.

READ MORE: Nepal PM's dissolution of parliament challenged in court

Oli, 68, has cited internal squabbling within his ruling Communist party and lack of political unity as reasons behind his Dec 20 decision, which has triggered public outrage and has been labeled unconstitutional.

In their plea before the Supreme Court, politicians, activists and lawyers are questioning whether it is the legitimate right of the leader to dissolve the parliament and order fresh elections, 18 months before schedule.

If the Supreme Court upholds Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli’s move, Nepal will hold elections this summer. If not, parliament will be reinstated

His colleagues and opposition political parties have blamed Oli for derailing a stable government amid a pandemic that has triggered an economic downturn.

Seven ministers have quit Oli’s government to oppose his move and protesters last month burnt effigies of him.

On Wednesday, dozens of peaceful protesters carrying lanterns marched near the parliament building. Displaying objects such as lanterns and torches is common in Nepal as a mark of protest.

“Cancel the unconstitutional coup,” protesters shouted referring to Oli’s move.

The five-member constitutional bench of the Supreme Court, including the chief justice, is hearing at least 13 petitions questioning the rights of the prime minister, court official Bhadrakali Pokharel said.

Dinesh Tripathi, one of the petitioners, said the constitution laid down the limits of the powers of the prime minister.

ALSO READ: Nepal PM seeks snap election after losing party support

“It does not give Oli the prerogative to cause an untimely death to parliament at his will,” he said.

The court could take several days to give its verdict, legal experts say.

“We are fully prepared to face the challenge in the court,” said Rajan Bhattarai, an aide to Oli.